Trevor Shimizu

Installation view

TS_IEMemoir, 2005-2017, oil on canvas, video on monitor, color, silent, 6’17”
231 x 216 x 13 cm

Memoir, 2005-2017, oil on canvas, video on monitor, color, silent, 6’17”
231 x 216 x 13 cm

Installation view

Playboy Memories, 2016, oil on canvas
172 x 144 cm

Installation view

Goldie 3-11 months, 2016-2017, 1-channel HD-Video on monitor, color, silent, 77′

Goldie 3-11 months, 2016-2017, 1-channel HD-Video on monitor, color, silent, 77′

Installation view

Trevor Monterey Bay, 2016, oil on canvas
55 x 75 cm

Installation view

Jimsonweed 1, 2017, oil on canvas
30 x 24 cm

Jimsonweed 2, 2017, oil on canvas
30 x 24 cm

Shrooms 1, 2017, oil on canvas
30 x 40 cm

Shrooms 2, 2017, oil on canvas
30 x 40 cm

Jimsonweed Research Center, 2017, 1-channel video on monitor, color, sound, folder, paper

“In his ‘Memoirs,’ Trevor recalls his horny childhood growing up in Sebastopol.”

“The show is the relaxed by-product of Trevor, his tragicomic story as a teen drug fiend stopped short, as he has now turned into a family man, in an America of now and not so long ago.”

In 1993, aged 15, Trevor took shrooms with friends. While tripping, Trevor ate Jimsonweed (Datura Stramonium), a wild plant commonly found in Northern America. Jimsonweed is a potent hallucinogenic and mood changer – it makes people aggressive.

The mushroom trip and the jimsonweed are the topic of this show. Both as the recollection of the event, but also with the idea that one can relate to a similar experience.

Teen Trevor (under the influence of both herbs) and his friends went to a mini golf course. Cops pulled up. A cop confronted Trevor. Trevor spat in the cop’s face. He got arrested and jailed overnight, while still out of his mind. He was subsequently grounded by his parents, for a full two years, a major turning point in Trevor’s life.

Trevor recently talked to his friends about the incident. His friends are clearly still upset. In his “Memoirs,” Trevor recalls his horny childhood growing up in Sebastopol. He speaks about a culture that we, the spectators of this show, don’t quite know, but which sounds somewhat eerily familiar. Like a soft imperialism, replete with symbols, Trevor’s tale is a weird washed out mythology seemingly resurrected from the collective tapestry of our global society. The show is the relaxed by-product of Trevor, his tragicomic story as a teen drug fiend stopped short, as he has now turned into a family man, in an America of now and not so long ago.

Antoine Catala, 2017

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